Tuesday, July 26, 2011

a new love

dresses are hard for me. i rarely find one that i can wear more than once or twice before i sell it. currently, there are only 3 in my closet that i care about. i do believe this little white gem is gonna be number 4. mostly because it's kinda like an oversized t-shirt and that makes me think of being in jammies which makes me feel all cozy comfy and i like that a lot. so i'm going to fantasize about taking a nap because i could really use one right now......
dress-vintage, thrifted
shoes-vintage bass sneakers, thrifted


Unknown said...

very pretty white dress!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

islabell said...

that dress looks so comfy and simple. I really like it!

The Semi Sweet said...

Now you're making me feel like being comfy and taking a nap:) I'm so exhausted and nothing could be more pleasant than wearing a pretty and soft dress. It looks lovely.

Kitsune-kun said...

looks perfect for hot summer days!

Linda Z said...

Such a perfect dress with just a couple great little details. I would wear it a lot!! :)

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

This dress is so so so lovely!!!!